Holy creamsicles
This is front page material my friend, keep it up, finish this shizznit!
Holy creamsicles
This is front page material my friend, keep it up, finish this shizznit!
Thanks! You're too kind! :D
Tis ok.
I really think the beginning bass should havent of been turned from distorted to a synth, that ruined the whole song for me, other than that, the rest is pretty nasty, I like the vibe of the song, just didnt like the choices at the start
Well, thanks for the 'pretty nasty'-part of your review, only the sentence 'bass should havent of been turned from distorted to a synth' isn't very clear to me...
Maybe you can explain it more so I can improve the song because I don't like the bass either but I can't find something to make it sound better. Maybe the things you propose are the things I need
I would buy this even in terrible quality, the riffs were amazing, drums, and the way the guitar's each complimented eachother, just superb, never give up music guy's, youve got some amazing talent.
Thanks! so great!! ^.^ We never intend to give this up! We are gonna go all the way!
Amazing man, cant believe you did that with just the Magical 8bit and some others O.O
Musta took foreverrrrrrrr
Actually, it took about an hour. Would've been sooner if FL didn't crash on me.
Joined on 9/11/07